
A simple note taking app that allows you to track and organize your notes easily.

Objective: The client needed a more efficient way to quickly locate the date and time of her notes to save time and streamline her workflow. To address this challenge, I designed this note-taking app that allows users to track and organize their notes effortlessly.
Inscribe offers three unique features for finding and organizing notes: calendar view, search keyword, and list-view. The calendar view allows users to browse notes by date for easy chronological tracking. The search keyword function enables quick retrieval of specific notes through searching the notes names/titles. The list-view provides a structured, easy-to-scan format for better organization and accessibility.

Understanding the User Perspective

My goal is to identify the current challenges and issues users face regarding note-taking apps. This initiative seeks to gather insights and ideas for features that address both the broader challenges of digital note-taking and individual user concerns. Below is a summary of my findings:
  • Wants more organization in digital note apps.
  • Needs a clear and easy layout for notes and ease of access of dates and time.
  • Wants to decorate notes with images to help with quick reminders.
  • Wants the ability to add notification for notes to help with reminders.
Following these concerns I developed a user flow diagram to illustrate how users navigate through the note-taking app. This diagram maps out the key interactions, decision points, and overall user journey, ensuring that the app effectively addresses user needs and pain points.

User Flow


Initial Testing


Dropdown Menu

Note Page


Search Keyword

To identify pain points and enhance the user experience, I conducted testing with the client and other users on the initial drafts.
Following the user testing, the key pain points identified were:
  • “The list-view seen in the calendar page makes everything feel crowded. What about a separate screen for the list-view?"
  • “Adding a calendar icon would make it easier access to the calendar page."
  • “It would be helpful to have a reminder feature for important notes, so that I don't forgot key tasks for deadlines."

Brand Identity

Color Profile





Arial Rounded MT Bold


MV Boli

App icon

User Onboarding